Friday, July 20, 2012

Appreciate the Small Things...

So this is a post that I was working on about how we should appreciate the little successes we have in such a fast-paced society. We are always looking for instant gratification and that is difficult to find when making such a huge change in your life.

And while this is still true, I think that message changes when we reflect on tragedies such as we have witnessed today with the shooting in Aurora, Colorado. It makes us reflect on the things that are most important to us and appreciate the little things in our lives. We need to appreciate the time we get to spend with our families and our loved ones; appreciate the time you have with a dog cuddled on the couch with you; appreciate being able to call your mom on the phone and have a conversation. I don't want people to hear that news story and to live in fear. If we are afraid to live our lives, then we truly aren't living at all. Instead we need to hear these news stories and give ourselves a kick in the butt not to miss an opportunity to truly live our lives the way we want to live them...happily. We need to find the strength from the good that comes from such tragedy, such as hearing about a lady who stopped and helped a man in the theater simply because he was hurt. We need to learn to give our time to a stranger and not abandon them.

As a society we tend to look the other way when we see a stranger walking down the street, we tend to cross the road if there is someone else walking the opposite way. Instead of doing this, make sure you say "hello" to each person you see...who knows, you may be the only person they see that day; they may live alone or might have recently lost someone. What would it hurt to smile every now and then? What would it hurt to give a wave to the neighbor you may not know so well?

So as with so many others today, my heart and prayers go out to all the victims, witnesses and families of those affected by today's shooting in Colorado. Again, let us remember to appreciate the things and the people that are so important to us. And remember to appreciate the little things in life...whether it's getting to see a friend you haven't in a long time, or being able to finally button those jeans you haven't worn in a while! Each moment is important...let's remember to try and fill each one with love and kindness, even to our furry little friends who are there at our sides.

1 comment:

  1. itis the little things in life that you remember the most. ther ones you cheerish the most. the ones you wish you did if you let them slip by. A smile from someone you love, holding hands while walking together during a snow fall, a simple not that tells you how much you are loved. i agree with you 100% we need these stories to make sure that we don't forget the little moments. for the victims i wish speedy recoveries, the unfortunate ones who fell victim to this tragic scene my sympathies to your families and for their loss. For everyone else, take a minute or two and just hold a hand of someone you love and say how much they mean to you. Keep up the good work cuz. love ya!
