Saturday, July 14, 2012

I'm Walking on Sunshine...Woah-oah!

So as I'm sure you all realize, I am not actually walking on sunshine, but this morning's exercise certainly felt like I was walking on the sun. The Midwestern heat does that even when it's 9am and the blacktop is already heating up! My husband and I started off the day right with a long, brisk walk down the road, into a park and then looped back around through a neighborhood to the house. About a 4 mile walk and I definitely was sweating through the whole thing. It took some convincing to get him motivated and going this morning though...he tried to hide! :)
My husband Corey trying to hide from me!
But as I mentioned, I did get him going and we felt great after walking! The best part was that I didn't feel bad that we didn't take the dog because he was at the groomer. Normally we like to walk with the dog, but today's walk would have been too hot and too long for Mr. Pugsley.

So while I did great getting out there and going this morning, I did forget to have my breakfast other than my coffee. That is something I really need to work on even though I've was doing great earlier this week. Thursday and Friday I had a small cup of coffee to get me going, but I also made myself a smoothie for breakfast since I was on the go those mornings. They were great and very filling, but also really easy to make! I used the same recipe I posted before, just with slight variations on the ratio of fruit and I alternated between using plain or vanilla low-fat yogurt.
I am very excited about the lunch I had today though. We went to one of our favorite local restaurants here in Quincy called Thyme Square. They are so friendly and great, but one of the best things about this restaurant is that they feature all locally-sourced products. (If you're ever in the Quincy, Il area, check them out or just check out their website Today one of their features was fresh salmon and they had also purchased some zucchini from the farmer's market. I had the fish, but instead of having it served as a sandwich, I opted for the lighter version and it was served on a bed of greens and I paired it with the zucchini which they grilled and it was awesome! It's always nice to know that you can dine out and still make great choices.

I am continuing on this change and still struggle with wanting to "pig out" on the chips and dip but I remind myself that even when I do eat those, I never feel good about it after as much as I enjoy it at the time. I know one day I will have the self-control to have a few, but I'm just not at that point yet. Working on it though! Continue to wish me luck!

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