Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Keep Things Fresh...

After taking this weekend to reflect on the things that are important in my life, I also realized that being able to enjoy those things is also important to me. So in order for me to do so, it is onward and upward with this journey to living better!

After talking to some people and reflecting on my past attempts at making changes in my workout routine, I realized that another problem people run into is becoming bored with their workouts. This seems to be the case because people stick with what they know how to do and they don't expand beyond that because they're not sure how to do so. A few years ago when I was getting back into running, that's all that I would do....run. And as a person who never ran distance before (I was always a sprinter) the scenery gets boring. Changing up my routes only helped a little bit. Even my music was boring me and I love listening to music.

So this time...I'm keeping things fresh in my workouts. My husband found a great article on Men's Health Magazine's website (which is on my Great Resources page) for the days that we lift. I have also adapted that article for my conditioning workouts with my cheerleaders so that I lift when they lift.

But not only am I sticking to the cardio and the weights (my problem from before), as I said before...I'm mixing things up. I have now gone to two Zumba classes (which are awesome and if you're looking for something new I would highly suggest trying it) and I got back in the pool. Through my youth and in college I would swim regularly, but once I graduated college I again kept making excuses as to why I couldn't keep swimming. For example I would say..."I don't have the time"...."It costs to much to belong to a gym with a pool"...."It's too late tonight, I'll go tomorrow." Well we all know what happens when we make these excuses. Yep, that's right...Absolutely nothing.

So we come back around to recommitting yourself to not making any more excuses and finding new things that will keep your workouts fresh instead of becoming stale. My greatest advice to do this is to find things that interest you. Find those things you have always enjoyed doing and start doing them again. That's why Zumba has been working well for me so far, because I love to dance! I'm not great at it, but I love it. The same goes with swimming. It's hard work, but when you are exercising while doing something you enjoy it is that much easier to do. I now encourage you to go out and find things that you enjoy doing and start doing them more. Start rock climbing or hiking or simply going for walks with your families. As long as you are moving, you are moving in the right direction to take your own journey.

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