Monday, July 16, 2012

Make a Date....With the Gym

One thing that I find as I continuously go through the process of wanting to see change is that I start off really strong in my motivation to make these changes, but as I continue on I become less and less motivated; I find myself wanting to make excuses as to why I can't make it to the gym that day. Well...NOT anymore. One of the great girls in my fitness group posted the other day that we need to make a date with the gym. By scheduling our times to workout, we become more accountable for actually following through with working out and can't make those excuses as easily. So...I made a date. One of my friends has her wedding coming up in a few weeks and she wants to be going to the gym more often and one way to keep up both accountable today for our workouts was for us to make a gym date.

It was fantastic! It felt great to have a plan and a set time to be going to the gym instead of being around the house and letting time get away from me. What turned out to be even better was she and a teacher friend of ours, at the end of our workout, encouraged me to go to Zumba for the first time. I was of course really nervous about going for the first time and having NO idea what I was doing, but it was really great! The instructor was awesome and was really welcoming to us newbies. (I wasn't the only there for the first time thankfully!) So in essence I actually had 2 workouts today and I still feel great...not sore at all which is awesome.

The other thing I continue to focus on is deciding the right thing to eat. This past week I have been doing great so far, or at least much better than the decisions I was making before. I know that between being more active and eating right I have already lost 1.2 lbs since last Wednesday! It's great to already see some results, but I know that I still have a long road ahead of me. That is where I am already starting to get stuck. I have bought the right foods and I am making more conscious decisions as to what I am eating, but I am getting stuck in a rut already. I find myself eating a lot of the same foods and I want to be able to mix it up a little while still eating the right way. So if anyone has suggestions as to some great meal ideas, please share them with me.

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