Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The start of a journey

A couple of years ago I made a commitment to myself that I would start exercising again and eating better. A couple of years ago I did a great job making those changes: I was out running again and was regularly running in 5Ks, I was taking classes at the local gym and was doing great. Then I moved to a new town and started a new job. While I kept up the running when I could, I saw myself slowly slipping back into being a couch potato. Things really took a dive downward last fall when I started my first full-time teaching job. I absolutely love my job and the students I work with, however, I dedicated my entire life to my job and I forgot to take care of myself. I was eating out more and more, I stopped exercising, and my snacking got out of control. This past year I gained weight (having snacks in my desk was not the best idea) and I haven't been happy with the way I look. I even tried Weight Watchers earlier last year, but for me it didn't work. Now I have come to the realization that I was not mentally ready to make that commitment. I know that I can look and most importantly feel better and I am ready to truly commit to that. Through Facebook I have found a great group of people who are just as committed to bettering their lives and are a fantastic support to have. I have also signed up again for Weight Watchers, but I know this time it takes more than just having an account with them, it is time for me to be willing to make a permanent change in my life to ensure the best for me, my husband and my students.

Today's trip to the grocery store will be the real test as I start to make that change! Wish me luck!

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